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Saturday, January 28, 2012

What’s in the Box?

Memories.  Years and years and years worth of memories.  Ron was looking for a picture of a skunk or a skunk stuffed animal for an entry on his blog.  That triggered a memory for me, from WAY back in 7th grade, when I wrote a children’s book for my English class.  The book was called “Silly Sally Skunk”. 

When Ron asked about the skunk picture, I remembered the book, and thought “IF I still have that book, I know exactly what box it is in.”  I went downstairs, and dug that box out and was instantly transported back in time.  I almost forgot what I was looking for! 

I found old pictures that I drew, poems that I collected, high school and college schedules, calendars (I found the calendar from October of 1987 where I wrote in my first date with Ron!) , letters and notes from friends, my elementary years memory book, my old Pettisville Blackbird beret (wow…that hat saw LOTS and LOTS of basketball games!)  I found the folders from my Grandpa Tuckerman’s funeral and my Aunt Marlene’s funeral.  I found the bouquet made from the ribbons and bows from my bridal shower gifts. And the diaries.  Oh my gosh…do you remember those thick little diaries that you could lock with a tiny key?  I have several of those.  Some of them are just one year, and some of them are FIVE years each (I think the one goes from 77-82?  I’m not sure exactly,) but you can be assured I’m going to spend some time re-reading THOSE things.  And laughing at myself!

After a long, LONG time, I got to the bottom of the box and what did I find?   I found “Silly Sally Skunk”! 

What fun and treasures are in this box.  I’m sure that it is a box that my kids will throw away someday, but for now, I’m going to enjoy spending some time looking through the folders and things in there!


Isn’t it amazing what all an old cardboard box can hold?

1 comment:

Becky W. said...

Love your story! I have a box like that too, but not that many diaries. Wish I wrote more back then (and now). :)