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Friday, March 2, 2007

Yet another snow day

This has been an interesting week for school, that's for sure. School was canceled on Monday due to the weekend storm. Tuesday was a 2 hour late start. Wednesday school dismissed 2 hours early. Snow day on Thursday and another snow day today. The kids are enjoying it (except for the work of shoveling the driveway)

There are huge drifts in the yard, and this picture shows what greeted the boys as they went to walk out to shovel the drive way today.

The weather is causing some disappointment in the cancellation of events that were scheduled. The middle school band kids were to play for a Wartburg professor last night and be "judged" or "critiqued" by him. Tonight was to be Family Fun Night at our elementary school, but that has been postponed. And tomorrow, Cameron was to play in the Tri-State Honor band in Decorah, but that trip has been canceled, too. The event is still going on, BUT our school is not going. I was told that we can still take Cameron, as he's all registered and everything. We'll have to see what the roads are like, and what Cameron wants to do.'s still snowing a bit. The wind is blowing very hard, still. So, it isn't over yet!

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Oh my! That's a lot of snow! And here I am with Spring flowers not all that far