Oh, was the food yummy! We had...ummm...MORE than enough, and I certainly couldn't have pulled this event off without the wonderful help of my mother-in-law, Mary, my sister-in-law, Martha, and my sister, Sue Ann.
The only thing I didn't get a picture of was the cowboy beans, and that wonderful recipe is from my friend, Kelly. She made them for Ethan when he stayed with them when Ron and I were in Africa when Ethan was just 3 or 4. She called them "cowboy beans" and he just loved them (and still does!)
Here is the recipe for "Cowboy Beans"
- 1/2 lb cubed bacon, cooked
- 1 cup onion, sauteed
Drain and put in a casserole. Add:
- 1/2 c ketchup
- 1/2 cup brown sugar
- 2 T. vinegar
- 1 can kidney beans, drained
- 1 can pork and beans, drained
- 1 can lima or butter beans, drained
Bake at 350* for 40-60 minutes.
This time, for graduation, we multiplied the recipe by 10, and stirred it all up in a roaster and just cooked it in that. Delicious!
And now...the pictures...
Yummy and lovely cake from the grocery in New Hampton!
Brother in law, Bill and Caleb's Sunday School teacher and family friend, Jerry cooked the brats on the grill.
mmmm..does this just NOT make your mouth water? Those two did an AWESOME job cooking these babies up.
2 kinds of chips, Italian Pasta Salad *YUMMY*, and veggie tray. The beans? They are in the roaster in the top left corner of the picture. I can't believe I forgot to take a picture of them!
Cameron made the punch...at least...the first time he did. After that, he took off and let Grandma and the Aunts handle it! 1 box sherbet (any flavor, but Caleb wanted orange) and a 2 liter bottle of gingerale and a 2 liter bottle of 7-up)
The cake (topper from Great-Aunt Melba in Ohio! Thanks!) Mints (THE world's best...made by Vivan W. They were DELICIOUS as always...Thanks!) Cheesecake from Sam's Club (wow, did THOSE babies fly off the table!) And punch...yum.