Ethan asked us at supper the other night "What does 'Maundy' mean?", and I really had no clue, so I looked it up. Interesting. It comes from the first word in the Latin translation of the Bible verse "A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you" (John 13:34) (In Latin it looks like this, but trust me...I just copied and pasted...I can't read it, LOL "Mandatum novum do vobis ut diligatis invicem sicut dilexi vos"
Jesus said this to his disciples as he was washing their feet...explaining to them the significance of what He was doing.
There were several life changing things that happened on the Thursday of that first Holy Week. Jesus instituted the Lord's Supper, which we will celebrate again tonight. As commanded, I continue to receive His body and blood, which was shed for me on that long ago Friday. Through the eating and drinking of this body and blood of my Savior, I receive forgiveness of sins, eternal life with Him, and Salvation. What a truly priceless gift He gave, for me and for you, on that long ago Thursday evening.
Later, he had to tell his close friend Peter, that Peter would deny knowing Jesus! Knowing that your friend will turn away, and not stand with heartbreaking. Later that evening, Jesus spent time in prayer at anguish knowing what was going to happen next. How sad he must have been, that his closest friends, Peter, James and John couldn't remain awake with him during this tormenting time! And finally, his betrayal by one of his own disciples. Again...betrayal by a friend...being let down by one who is close to you. What a bad day!
And yet, for your sake and for mine, He continued on the path set before him. Knowing his close friends would betray, deny, run away...Jesus continued on that road. Knowing that a simple word could have stopped it all. Knowing that, even though He was going to give up His life so that you and I can someday live with Him in glorious eternity, WE would also deny, betray, run away, hide, cut and hurt Him with our words and actions. We are no better than Peter who denied knowing Him, or Judas who betrayed him into the hands of those who would kill Him...we are no better than those who's hands stripped away His clothing, pushed the crown of thorns onto His head, whipped Him, and pounded the nails into His hands!
Knowing our desperate NEED for a Savior...someone to make us Holy in God's sight, Jesus continued on to Jerusalem that Palm Sunday, celebrated His Last Supper with His disciples, and continued on to Gesthemane where He would be taken into captivity.
As undeserving as we are, Jesus continued on this path for YOU, and for ME. THAT is how much He loves us!